Welcoming Home Leafshine the Linnie


Freshly Laid Egg
Hi Melissa,

She is a beauty!!! I love the greens, wish to have one here with me someday...

BTW, I loved the name, quite creative!

It looks like she is confortable outside the cage. Was she hand raised?



She was hand raised at a local bird shop, and we got to visit her several times to spend time with her before she came home with us. And I am very grateful to that with her being our first bird. Right now she is in a cage next to my husbands work area in our living room, and where I work when he isn't home due to covid. She is finally eating well, she barely ate anything the first two days. She has also started stepping up for us now on a stick without much effort, and is now accepting small amounts of head scritches. So I'm confident we are well on our way for her feeling safe with us.


How is Leafshine settling in?
She is doing good, definitely getting a lot more used to me, my husband, and my daughter. We've taken her around in our hand now for a few short trips around the house. Really enjoying head scritches now and we are working on target training and showing her some little foraging toys we've made. She is still confused by them unless it is incredibly obvious. Hopefully she will pick it up in time. Honestly if anyone has some tips for teaching Linnies how to search for food or forage with toys? That would be awesome.
We currently have some with millet wrapped in brown paper napkins tied loosely with kitchen string. She only seems to get at the pieces she can see and isn't interested in shredding it and thus discovering more. The only toys she is currently interested in are the ones with beads or the wicker balls. We have also tried putting seeds and treats she likes in those but she doesn't seem to try to get at them even if they are visible. The only treat we've found she likes enough to do anything for is tiny bits of dried pineapple, but I don't want to stuff it in foraging since we use it for training. What treats do your linnies like I could try?


Staff member
She is doing good, definitely getting a lot more used to me, my husband, and my daughter. We've taken her around in our hand now for a few short trips around the house. Really enjoying head scritches now and we are working on target training and showing her some little foraging toys we've made. She is still confused by them unless it is incredibly obvious. Hopefully she will pick it up in time. Honestly if anyone has some tips for teaching Linnies how to search for food or forage with toys? That would be awesome.
We currently have some with millet wrapped in brown paper napkins tied loosely with kitchen string. She only seems to get at the pieces she can see and isn't interested in shredding it and thus discovering more. The only toys she is currently interested in are the ones with beads or the wicker balls. We have also tried putting seeds and treats she likes in those but she doesn't seem to try to get at them even if they are visible. The only treat we've found she likes enough to do anything for is tiny bits of dried pineapple, but I don't want to stuff it in foraging since we use it for training. What treats do your linnies like I could try?
She is doing good, definitely getting a lot more used to me, my husband, and my daughter. We've taken her around in our hand now for a few short trips around the house. Really enjoying head scritches now and we are working on target training and showing her some little foraging toys we've made. She is still confused by them unless it is incredibly obvious. Hopefully she will pick it up in time. Honestly if anyone has some tips for teaching Linnies how to search for food or forage with toys? That would be awesome.
We currently have some with millet wrapped in brown paper napkins tied loosely with kitchen string. She only seems to get at the pieces she can see and isn't interested in shredding it and thus discovering more. The only toys she is currently interested in are the ones with beads or the wicker balls. We have also tried putting seeds and treats she likes in those but she doesn't seem to try to get at them even if they are visible. The only treat we've found she likes enough to do anything for is tiny bits of dried pineapple, but I don't want to stuff it in foraging since we use it for training. What treats do your linnies like I could try?
Sounds like you’re making good progress! Linnies are often slow to accept new things, especially if they’ve never seen them before. For now, I’d suggest leaving a bit of the treat visible in all the foraging toys till she understands there are things hidden in those. Eventually you can hide them completely. Each Linnie is unique in what treats work for them. Most of mine can’t resist millet, corn, apple, or sweet peppers. Whole grain cereals with low sugar are a good treat. Popcorn in wicker balls is a fun and healthy treat. (You put the kernels in the wicker ball and pop in the microwave).

Eddie's Aviary

Staff member
How is it going? Getting head scritches that soon is a sign of great relationships brewing! For treats, yes on apple! Pomegranate sliced in a wedge really gives foraging fun instead of feeding just the seeds. Those are the only fruits I really feed besides the dehydrated ones in the feed mix. Focus on high Vit A veggies as that is a common avian deficiency. It can take up to 10 times of offering a new food for them to accept it, so don't give up. You can try different ways to serve it too. Carrot for example, can be shredded, cut into chunks, hung on a kabob toy, julienned, sliced, etc. This kabob hanger is a good way to make fun out of veggies too. https://chirpcentral.com/products/stainless-steel-skewer?_pos=2&_sid=1fdecf36f&_ss=r

Keep us posted on the progress, way to go!


A charming name for our new little hen, picked out by my 4year old; Leafshine the Linnie. She seems to be doing well, and we are looking forward to getting to know her. This is our first bird, so any tips on getting her most comfortable around us would be appreciated.

-Melissa WC
Pretty sure that I follow your Instagram account ;)

Eddie's Aviary

Staff member
How is it going? I was thinking about Leafshine and Luka and wondering how it was progressing. The bird in my avatar was my very first Linnie, named Leaf! A 4 year old had named him in his previous home. ♥


How is it going? I was thinking about Leafshine and Luka and wondering how it was progressing. The bird in my avatar was my very first Linnie, named Leaf! A 4 year old had named him in his previous home. ♥
It has been going wonderful, a great addition to the family. She gets along happily with myself, my husband and the friends we bring over. She is slightly apprehensive of the toddler, but not too much that she doesn't' want to take treats from kiddo or hop on her arm on occasion. That little buzzy growl thing when she is annoyed is too cute for what it should be, and I'm glad kiddo pays attention to that to know when Leafshine isn't in the mood to have her in her space.

On another note, her wings are still clipped, but she tries way too hard to come to me sometimes. I'm afraid she is gonna hurt herself one of these days. I am eager for her feathers to grow back in just for her safety, the seller clipped ALL the primary feathers before I took her home before I had a chance to object to so many. I'm just glad Leafshine hasn't given up on trying to flap exercise and fly to me in small jumps too when we recall practice. I was curious about when she might moult and get new feathers in? She hatched April 18th of this year. That way we can make sure to get things set up more safely in time for when that may happen.

The sunroom aviary we are building for her is STILL going on. Covid has really slowed all of it down. It was originally supposed to be done before we even brought Leafshine home, as we commissioned it as soon as we decided to get a bird. And not having a super safe space for her to play has been frustrating. We make due at least for now with constant supervision otherwise and Leafy is pretty happy anyways

Pretty sure that I follow your Instagram account ;)
Ha, you probably do! I don't think there are too many Leafshine the Linnies out there. Thank you for the follow. Mostly I wanted to share pics of her with my friends since they keep asking about her, I'm glad to see other people enjoying her cuteness too.

Eddie's Aviary

Staff member
So glad it is going well! Sorry about the wing clip, good news is they will molt out. Bad news is with Linnies it takes FOREVER. One year generally you will see the first of clipped feathers fall out. They molt them out in random order, so just watch that a new blood feather doesn't get bumped as the first few that come in won't have the growth supported by the feather next to it. You may want to restrict her movement to prevent falls during that time. Once the first few come in, the others will have support and you can relax a little.

Fun news about Instagram! I had wanted to go over there but don't have much time for social media unfortunately! I met some of my bestest bird friends online. I used to be on a Lovebird forum and we made so many friends there! We used to send Christmas presents to each other even! I always found forums to be lovely communities and Facebook often a mean people hangout. :oops:

Eddie's Aviary

Staff member
She is a Mauve. And gosh she was such a love bug it was hard to see her go. I am good at distancing my feelings usually, but that one got me!


Leafshine is still very unsure of her, and Seasame Seed just wants to be best friends. It is very cute though. Seasame Seed seems to like my kid more than me, which is fine, as Leafshine is always a little freaked out by very happy, loud child, and will sit on her for about 15 seconds before done.

