Welcoming Home Leafshine the Linnie


These two are doing good together now. Today Seasame Seed and Leafshine were taking brief turns preening each other and sitting close. They both are also teaching each other a lot, and it really is heartwarming. I'm very glad to have two sweethearts now and very much looking forward to their friendship.


Eddie's Aviary

Staff member
These two are doing good together now. Today Seasame Seed and Leafshine were taking brief turns preening each other and sitting close. They both are also teaching each other a lot, and it really is heartwarming. I'm very glad to have two sweethearts now and very much looking forward to their friendship.
Makes me so happy to hear! Sesame Seed is such a wonderful girl, and so is Leafshine! I am happy I got to meet her. ♥


Been incredibly busy since the holidays with work, and all free time has went to the birds as of late. So I haven't visited here as much as I should. But the girls are doing well, wonderful happy little beeps that really bring a lot of joy to my life.

Leafshine bonked her beak into a window for the first time a week ago, so I've covered it in suncatcher clings for now until I get something better with more coverage like a hanging screen. Has a little bruise but otherwise has been fine. Easily one of the most terrifying things I've ever experienced.

She seems to be over preening even though we spend lots of time together and her feathers are getting brown spots. Trying to see if I get it to ease up some, so looking for ideas? (currently Rotate toys weekly, offer hidden stuff to find in the cage at least 3 times a week, rotate out multiple foraging boxes that I change every other day generally, and spends a minimum of 2 hours out a day to play, we directly play and cuddle for at least 30 minutes) Seasame doesn't preen her too often or more than her head, but she does it a lot for herself. She is rarely interested in toys, the only things she ever wants to play with are blankets and pillows, which obviously is a no-go. It also seems like even 2 years old now (almost) that she hasn't molted all of her feathers? This seems wild to me, but her underwing feathers I'm fairly certain have never been replaced. Is this normal, or should I do something to encourage molting? She hates baths still too, so that isn't much help. Only likes going to the human shower and bathe with me, which feels very unsafe for how tiny she is.

Seasame Seed still is shy, but enjoys sitting on everyone's shoulder and whispering motivation. She loves to ride on me when I walk on the treadmill and say 'good girl', which is lovely to say the least. She is very calm and sweet. We've slowly been working on recall and some basics. But she doesn't seem to like most treats still, so progress is slow. (even apple doesn't seem to be much of a motivator) She does like the clicker though and being told she is a good girl. She is looking and doing amazing though.

Need to take some new close-up photos of them, but the girls are adorable.


Eddie's Aviary

Staff member
Thank you for the update! I have been thinking of you all.

Over-preening can be from many things, do you know at what age she was pulled for handfeeding? I read she doesn't like baths, but it really is the secret to a beautiful feathered Linnie. When I say bath, I really mean a SOAKING. With a spray bottle. When I am conditioning to win at shows, I soak them like a drowned rat 3x a day. Cool water (not warmer than ambient for sure, but I use cool as it tightens the cuticle like human hair, I add a few drops of ACV for shine and medicinal qualities) and totally drowned wet. Be sure to not be in a drafty doorway or window, but don't be overly worried... they LOVE it!) If she doesn't seem to like it at first, run the vacuum for 10 minutes and spray away. if she still runs and acts like she isn't into it, adjust the stream, maybe temp.... otherwise..... tough tooties! If I let Elena not do the million things I know she needs to that she doesn't want to, she would at a minimum have cavities, and at worst... kidnapped! ha ha - You da boss lady.

I spray them until they look like a drowned rat. They spend an hour or two preening at PROPER strength, not the superman preening that they do when the skin and feathers are dry without a nice oil coating on them. Once dry, nap done and they have had some good food..... soak them again. Repeat. DO 2-3x a day for the first week, slowly tapering to 2x a day. You keep doing this until they cannot be wetted. A properly bathed bird, water WILL NOT penetrate the feathers. They need to look like a ducks feathers.... those water drops just roll right off. I can always tell when I have been lazy with spraying as they start to look raggedy. If you spray and the feather absorbs water.... they are not clean. It is very hard to regulate temperature with dirty feathers also. It is a pleasurable task for them, it is a flock activity, keeps them warm or cool, keeps the skin moist, and the big one.... keeps them from being frustrated with how the feathers feel so they hopefully don't "worry" the feather.

Linnies like a high protein diet, so be sure when you see some feathers come out (so rare with Linnies, Budgies rain them (it is related to the hormonal/breeding cycle) you bump up the protein and be sure to be on the spraying to ensure they don't mar those perfect new feathers!
Let me know if you want a suggestion on inexpensive good spray bottles.

Looking forward to hearing an update ♥ Hope this is helpful.


I don't know for sure when she was pulled unfortunately. But I know it was pretty early, as I was visiting her when she was getting her feathers to start popping out of the pins. I know she was then at least, and spent most of the time with her brother.


Been a while since I updated here, busy life is busy. Leafshine and Seasame Seed are still doing great.

Sess has taken to chasing Leafshine a lot and biting her tail and pulling her rump feathers. So we have them separated for now and hope to get them to friends again after the holiday chaos calms down. Hoping it is just some seasonal thing and not a forever thing since Leaf has been a bit hormonal. Sess however has not been, so I'm hoping it is just her not wanting to deal with Leaf being 'weird'. But otherwise, when supervised they play together well enough for most of the time. I just don't want it to escalate.

Hopefully everyone has been well and will have a great 2024!

