Neeloo’s egg butt


It’s been hormonal spring for both birds and I’ve been trying to discourage, but some things I haven’t done as well as I could…

I think Neeloo has egg butt. I’m very concerned… is it possible she doesn’t? I can’t see what else it could be. She gained 4g in a week and seems to have a little butt pooch. It’s subtle but I do feel like it’s there somehow.

Neeloo became obsessed with my bed again, after ignoring it all fall and winter. I thought I had solved this issue… but

Since April/may, she is trying to burrow in it. I discourage her but she gets really upset, and it’s hard to even spend time in bed because she will pace up and down the cage (it’s a huge cage, 60” almost aviary like), being very restless and anxious bc she wants to go in the bed. As soon as I take her out she flies straight to her “nest”.
so it’s been nearly impossible to have her OOC in that room, which I spend a lot of time in.
Ive tried to remedy by hanging out in other rooms, but that is a room I need to spend a lot of time in. Plus when she sees me resting in bed ( I have health issues and I tend to spend time there). She wants to come too. It’s really hard to keep her out of the bed.
sometimes she will just end up in a corner of the duvet that’s turned over, when I turn my eyes away for a second she is burrowing or just sitting with her head sticking out, looking at me from her “nest”. She is hyper focused on this.

plus my linnie is around Lotus the budgie all the time (the are best buddies), and lotus is constantly doing the “perch lambada” all spring!!! Its been impossible to discourage her from regurgitating and rubbing. So maybe that’s also triggering Neeloo.

I have been weighing the girls every week sometimes more frequently, their weight has been fine , this week I weighed neeloo and somehow she gained 4 grams!!! She’s at 57, and I see a little booty bump… I think. It’s subtle.
I can’t believe I didn’t notice because I’m with her all the time, but I did have a busy week. How did she gain so much weight in one week?

I’m horrified and I feel guilty… I probably have been feeding her too much fresh food, and give her not much but a little bit of apple every day bc she just lives for that. I avoid touching her but lavish affection on her and kiss her beak- plus sometimes I let her nestle in the bed for a few minutes because it makes her so happy. She’s three and has kind of always done this a bit in the warmer months. But never been egg butty. Of course weather is perfect and gorgeous, I’ve been taking her out to the patio in her cage, that might be stimulating too? She does not seem to ever have done any vent rubbing.

She is strong and has great muscle tone, has plenty of OOC time.

I may be giving her a less austere life that she needs this spring. It’s hard because even when I try to sleep them longer, it’s like they know! They will be awake in their dark cage, just hanging out.
Maybe I need a cover that blocks more light, I use a bird cage cover that is dark canvas but it’s not the really intense light blocking kind that are that thick synthetic material.

anyway, I will be working in the future to discourage this, but in the meantime I fear it may be too late. I also get confused about calcivet, mineral blocks, egg food, all those things because it seems like a balancing act to get the just right amount and I get nervous about giving them too much or too little and I just try my best in the end.

I will call the vet in the morning and will be at home keeping a close eye on Neeloo.
what do I do now in terms of diet ?
I have removed shreddy toys and anything remotely nesty, and am not letting her on the bed, but should I be giving her a nest? Egg food? Calcivet? Dummy eggs? I am lost suddenly, having devoted all my time to researching discouraging laying.
Right now I have really edited out her things and hid the pillows and things that she likes to go after, she is scrambling around the room trying to find a nest.

i have a feeling all will work out, but i need to be doing everything I can to help her.
she is my biological child and I love her more than anything.
Is there any possibility she is just fat? Lol
I will attach a picture. Maybe I’m just being hysterical for no reason.

if it’s not an egg I could just double down on the austerity lifestyle, but if it is don’t I kind of have to go in the opposite direction? Like, giving egg, calcium, a nest, to help her lay? But I don’t want to do those things if it’s somehow not an egg.

Thanks everyone! thanks so much for your advice!


At this angle it doesn’t look like much. Am I being paranoid?
I noticed that one time when I caught her burrowing, her bum was poofed out and rounded , which concerned me as I brought her back to the cage. After a short while I noticed the roundness was gone and her butt looked normal. Is it possible that pooching out that area is just part of being nesty and “prepping”? Or is there actually an egg…



Eddiesaviary, I know you mentioned you replied but I dont see your reply :)
Thanks so much for reading, hope to correspond tomorrow.


Update, I have a vet appointment for this afternoon…
I was laughing with a fellow bird mom just last month about how every single “emergency” happens on the weekend or at night!
hopefully they can give me some guidance, in the meantime I welcome yours!

im kind of assuming egg at this point. I gently palpated her and felt something, not her hip bones.
I had taken every vaguely nesty thing away but she is frantically searching for a nest and specifically wants to nest in my bed. I feel bad seeing her scrambling around desperately and wonder if it’s better to give her something to encourage her to lay healthily, give her calcium protein rich foods etc.
I finally let her snuggle in the bed with me for a few minutes last night and it settled her down completely, she was so content. I couldn’t help it, she was climbing on me and looking at me, then anxiously pacing on the bed over and over. Sigh!
As a first time egg, I’m just at a loss and the internet is full of varying information.
I have olive oil, a steam ready bathroom if needed… I am supplementing kale and egg food , calcivet inwater for the time being as I don’t suppose it could hurt and might help?


Thanks for asking!
I’ve been getting advice from eddiesaviary: we decided to do austerity practices to stop her from being hormonally triggered , since they can hold poop when hormonal. So really cracking down on 14 hours sleep and all that.
She has been pooping but not the big huge splats she used to… smaller poops. Of course the diet is also making her poops smaller since she’s not eating fresh atm.
I noticed her bum on Sunday, and I honestly can’t tell if it’s bigger or not… I think it is but, I was told if it’s an egg it will get much bigger.
so it being the end of the week… I guess I’m concerned if she doesn’t lay on Friday. I just want her to do it during the week when the vet is open just in case. Lol.
why do they always pick nights and weekends to do this stuff?
its possible she had her bum before Sunday and I didn’t notice it.
So the consensus was it’s either poop or an egg, and obviously the vet doesn’t make sense if she’s eating and acting normally, since they would have to X-ray and it would be risky itself. Plus the handling.
She seems healthy and is her usual mellow sweet self for sure. Lots of preening and she likes to give herself head massages with her foot, so she’s been doing that too :)

It’s a waiting game, keeping her safe in her cage so she doesn’t fall or do anything clumsy…
I just wish there was a way for me to know if it’s an egg, I’d love to give her someplace to nest and pamper her.
I had to take out any even remotely triggering things, and she is clumsy and falls off perches and prefers to sleep on a small open weave seagrass platform, so she can curl her toes around the cords. Ordinarily it doesn’t make her nesty to do that, but in this state she was shredding it a tiny bit. Just a few bites, but I took it away.

when she went to go to bed, she saw it was gone and turned to look at me in suprise. Then she got upset and tried to go down to the bottom to the paper towels (I put them there to monitor her poop). So I do feel bad about that, I can tell she really really wants a nest. Whether hormonal only or egg related.

since this is my first time going through this I am trying to relax but I’m holding my breath. I had to go out to dinner for a family birthday party and I was checking the cameras every ten minutes 😂

at this point I’m kind of hoping or assuming it’s an egg, because why would she hold poop for a week?
And if it wasn’t either of those things, that would be bad too.
but I’m not sure how fast it grows or if it should be bigger by now?

Idk if I should call the vet Friday and prepare them for the possibility, and maybe figure out an emergency plan for the weekend just in case.

I can’t imagine her having issues, just because she is so young and healthy, strong muscles, lots of flying, eats a good diet, but then again I’m just a new bird mom of 3 years whose just trying her best… I’m not a Linnie genius like eddies aviary. So I do get insecure about my care and am always trying to learn and do better. But it’s such a vast body of knowledge and experience.


Update: getting a gram stain at the vet, to check for infection, should know on Monday.
I noticed her straining to poop just now…at least that what it seemed. She had to quiver her wings a bit to poop.
but still happily flying eating and she is pooping. But pooping is a little off as I mentioned, and the lil belly is still there.
wish me luck this weekend!!! That everything goes smooth at least until Monday when the vet opens.
(I have some emergency vet numbers on hand just in case , knock on wood that I wont have to use them)

Love My Linnie

I went thru the same thing with Toula when she was about a year old. Laura‘s help and advice was so appreciated! I went thru at least a week of sleepless nights and driving myself and Laura crazy. Toula was acting the same as Neeloo. Her butt looked really enlarged to me, but it’s so hard to tell for sure. i did the same as you…took anything that even might look like something she could make a nest out of away. I got many hairy eyeball looks from her! Laura suggested buying the fake eggs and having a nesting box just in case. Well, after about a week of my hair graying much more quickly than it probably would have if not for worrying about my baby girl, she never did produce an egg and her butt went back to normal size. I definitely changed a lot of the things I was doing…reduced the size of her meals, put her to bed much earlier and watched what kind of toys and no nesting looking things. I get what you’re going thru. She never had another episode after that. I hope this helps you a little. Keep up the awesome good work. It sounds like you are a very loving mom. 💕

Love My Linnie

I wish you all the best and 🙏 for little Neeloo and you! I don’t know why, but it always seems to be a weekend or holiday doesn’t it? Please keep us posted how she’s doing.


I went thru the same thing with Toula when she was about a year old. Laura‘s help and advice was so appreciated! I went thru at least a week of sleepless nights and driving myself and Laura crazy. Toula was acting the same as Neeloo. Her butt looked really enlarged to me, but it’s so hard to tell for sure. i did the same as you…took anything that even might look like something she could make a nest out of away. I got many hairy eyeball looks from her! Laura suggested buying the fake eggs and having a nesting box just in case. Well, after about a week of my hair graying much more quickly than it probably would have if not for worrying about my baby girl, she never did produce an egg and her butt went back to normal size. I definitely changed a lot of the things I was doing…reduced the size of her meals, put her to bed much earlier and watched what kind of toys and no nesting looking things. I get what you’re going thru. She never had another episode after that. I hope this helps you a little. Keep up the awesome good work. It sounds like you are a very loving mom. 💕
thank you so much for posting!
This does make me feel so so so much better!!
I’m racking my brain in bed at 10:30pm, looking at the photos I took of her bum every day, editing them and writing the days of the week on them so I can scroll through and see if I see any difference
Whatever your sweetie went through it does honestly sound like what is happening with Neeloo.
she did finally have a big poop this morning, so that made me feel better.
Laura mentioned that they sometimes hold poop to have the feeling of an egg if they are hormonal…
So that’s one thing we were considering?

it just seems an awful long time to hold poop, but I guess it’s still possible? It would sort of explain the mystery.
anyway, your story sounds like a great resolution, so maybe I’ll hope for that :)
I so appreciate you sharing your story and I’m sure you are a wonderful mom too!

The stress, I
relate to you on that.
I actually have cameras set up that look inside the cage, and an Alexa echo show that I communicate with the girls if I have to leave the house, (i can also play music for them remotely, I highly recommend it for OCD parronts😂)
So, luckily I work from home but every time this week I’ve had to leave the house for a short while, I’m checking the cameras constantly
And every time I hurriedly check, she’s preening, giving herself a head massage with her foot, just totally fine. Lol. The joys…

thank goodness for Laura, seriously. It has taken a lot of mental willpower to respect her boundaries and not text her every five minutes

hairy eyeballs… I know I feel so bad …
I feel like I’m taking away all her little comforts …
I really want to give her the seagrass platform again because she has always slept on that, she does not like sleeping on a perch at all and sometimes will stumble off of them. She looked heartbroken when I took it away. But she has a jute rope perch, cholla wood perch, and small basic wood dowel perch as well for her sleep area right now.
Her platform bed didn’t seem to trigger - but knows, right? However, the thing that seemed to trigger the nesting the most, was my bed.
so right now I’m basically been sleeping on a bare mattress all week and after she goes to bed, I just throw a sheet and pillow on it.
This alone has helped, because she would go nuts over the bed, especially if she saw me get under the covers. She wanted to come into the bed and lie down flat under the covers, like me😩

did you ever take her in to get an X-ray or not? I’m assuming not.


Update, I showed Laura a photo where need’s bum looked bigger, she told me to get the egg box!
But looking at her more closely save taking a few more shots, she feels like the bum is not consistent…

I had shown her the box, she was scared of it…
Then I set up the nest box, in one of her other cages, because the big cage is too huge, I wouldn’t be able to check it and it would be hard to install.

however she hated being in the cage and is scared of the box and was unhappy and restless.

she is bonded with Lotus the budgie, my other bird, they are companions and call for each other.
So she was not happy in a separate cage.

and lotus doesn’t like the cage with the box either lol
She is a diva and will screech constantly if she’s not getting her way.

They are in love with their big aviary like cage. Sooo I put them back in the big one, and have Neeloo’s old seagrass drop ( like a pear shaped hanging tunnel of braided seagrass), she’s used to it and loves sitting in it. So that’s there just in case, until I can figure out a way to install the box. But I honestly don’t think she will go in the box 😩
She is very attached to things but takes a long long time to get used to them. She is very flighty with anything new. I even bought a little hamster travel cage that I saw another bird mom using as a mini cage for her pregnant parrot let who was having issues, and Neeloo was teeerrrrified of it lol
Anyway trying my best!

They are happier in their usual cage, lotus was talking to Neeloo and saying “ i love you, i missed you” 🥺
I feel like… her emotional state is important too so…
I know the nest box is the best way if she has eggs, so we will see

also all she wants to do is eat eat eat
Not sure what that means.
I had cut back her food with the austerity, I’m giving her a little more now because she just seemed so hungry.

Our vet is open tomorrow so I’ll have more updates then

thank you all so much for your support and hope this thread helps others at some point.

Love My Linnie

Neeloo is beautiful! Toula was terrified of the nest box too and wouldn’t even look at the fake eggs. She had a fleece bird cozy that she loved and slept in and when I took it away, she was so upset, it broke my heart and I caved in and gave it back. It didn’t seem to make any difference in her hormonal problem, but not having it added to her distress. She settled down and calmed down when I gave it back. I didn’t have her X rayed. The closest avian vet to me is 1-1/2 hours away one way and I didn’t want to stress her out more. If things had taken a turn for the worse, I definitely would have taken her. Hopefully your vet will be able to definitely tell you what’s going on after seeing her. Please keep us posted. We care about Neeloo and you!


Thank you 💕
Lotus will actually give Neeloo a kiss, if I say, “give Neeloo a kiss”, And then sometimes she will say “She’s pretty honey” 😂 it’s so cute. But yes nee bee is our little beauty.
Toula sounds so sweet, I’m sure she’s also beautiful. and she is lucky to have such a loving mommy.


Thank you so so much 💕
We are at the emergency vet and, we got a good one with someone who is experienced with birds and eggs…. Neeloo has a fully formed egg!
Apparently she probably is inexperienced and young and just doesn’t know what to do
She is getting supportive care, calcium, anti inflammatory, fluids, to help her lay, they won’t hurt

this place is so great they have a bird box X-ray they do that is non stressful and does not require sedation.

We drove here with a heavy heart . this afternoon, after I got off the phone with the vet, Neeloo suddenly took a turn for the worse and was struggling, projectile regurgitating , dirty swollen poopy vent… she went down to the bottom of the cage while I was frantically calling different vets , if course none of them could see her because it was afternoon. We had an appointment for tomorrow morning, and Some of the ER people told us to wait until morning to see her vet. Because…. ER and birds… often useless and torturous.
No one in my support network has ever seen a Linnie do what she was doing and said her vent was not normal and something was really wrong, and it might be too late.,
I was praying so hard and giving her reiki in the car, it was emotional agony though I was trying to stay positive. I don’t have children…whether this is mentally healthy or not I can’t say… 😂 but Neeloo is my biological daughter and we do mommy daughter things- she helps me with the housework, I can’t describe our bond but I know you guys feel me. Lol. If I could put dresses on her I would.
i can’t tell you the heavy weight that’s been lifted off my heart …
Still have to keep an eye on her but
Things are looking ok as of now, she is very healthy otherwise .
I’ll update soon, thank you all so much for your caring thoughts about my nee bean!


They sent her home with me, they said she is very healthy and should pass the egg just fine… she has dealt with allt of eggs :) and suggested I make a little donut nest with a towel, in the bottom of her soft carrier cage, take out perches… keep room warm and moist, have her little food and water bowls in there, and cover it a bit to give her a dark private place to lay. And leave her alone a bit, for like an hour at a time, and keep Lotus away from her 😂 lotus is so concerned.
She was certain from the X-ray and her vitals that she will easily pass it.
She said on the off chance, Just keep an eye on her, if she is puffed up, not moving, massively straining for a long time without respite, eyes closed etc, time to take her back in.
otherwise she said, she should struggle and strain a bit but should be normally reactive when not pushing… that’s the difference between healthy pushing and egg bound.

she is in her “bed” now, sleepytime, so we will see…
I honestly felt happy giving her a fabric bed because before, when she was hormonal, she is really attached to this particular corner of my duvet. I know in her mind, that’s her “nest”, and she would fly in there and chase my hand and scold and bite me a little when I took her out.
and she’s obsessed with linen, which my bedding is all linen. She only likes linen, and she likes to scratch it with her beak until holes form in it. I have a linen pillowcase that she got a hold of once and scratched holes in when I had my back turned lol.
So I gave her that, with one of those neck warmer rice crescent things, inside for shape…
On top of more padding, so it’s like a little bowl of fabric… that’s what the vet asked me to do so I thought hey I’ll try it, she was so restless and confused before…
She is right at home with the linen donut though…
Settled right in, 😂
Such a little princess.
Linen, honestly of all things.
I avoid fabric like everyone else but… in this case since it was suggested I’m going with it for now.

but I read somewhere that linen is not the worst fabric, if your bird gets a hold of some fabric , it’s antibacterial and biodegradable , temperature regulating , can decompose in two weeks if untreated, this particular pillowcase is also organic untreated no dyes, I believe . Linen is easy to grow without pesticides etc.
So I hope it’s ok. I have to sleep on linen, bc it’s the only thing that regulates my temperature and doesn’t give me sensory issues.
well, here we go…!

lots of love to you all
And our guardian angel Laura :)
I’ll update tomorrow
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Well, nee nee has not laid her egg yet
She is more interested in eating …
She did some pushing this afternoon
Around the same time that she was doing it yesterday.
12:30-4:30 seems to be the time, after that and before that she just wants to eat and do normal things.

today she seems further along for sure
No egg binding symptoms
She likes her “nest” on my nightstand, which I put on top of a heating pad on “warm” lowest setting setting,
For sleeping and naptime, aka when I put her in there to try and get her lay…
But when she wants to be active she really wants to run around And be in her big cage with lotus.
She then actually tried to find a laying place…
She so restless and didn’t want to be in the travel nest. So I thought id see where she would go, out of curiosity. At this point I just want her to lay!
Wooden nest box was a no, seagrass hut was a maybe yes but ultimately no, the places she picked to do her pushing were this:
The cage door of the big cage.. on top
On top of the big cage which has a slanted house style roof (an egg would just roll down 🤦‍♀️), it’s high up 78” high
And my west elm papasan chair 😂
It must have looked like a nest to her
I think the cage, she felt comfortable wrapping her toes around the bars, like she was trying to get leverage by having some thing to hang on to.
even with the papasan, it’s like a tufted canvas so she was holding on to the stiff fabric.
she also seems to want to be out and with me while she’s pushing. When I’m ignoring her she won’t do it but when I start talking to her, she will start pushing.
She seems to want to be around lotus too.
The vet said keep the budgie away from her lol.

keeping the room warm and running hot baths and showers from the en suite bathroom to keep things moist…leaving her alone in the nest for a while, fingers crossed!