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  1. Morgan

    Eight Eggs!

    Now about leg banding… I am not so opposed to closed bands as open bands (because they are rarely secured properly in my experience with my adopted budgies), but besides for identification purposes, is there really a need to band them? Even closed bands can be dangerous for pets birds, and I...
  2. Morgan

    Eight Eggs!

    Yeah I don’t want her to lay back to back clutches so I will separate her for a time and give her eight fake eggs to sit on if she lays any more at the bottom of her cage. She has high potency pellets, a calcium/mineral/iodine block, mineralized oyster shell grit, sesame seeds (and hemp seeds...
  3. Morgan

    Eight Eggs!

    Sorry that didn’t format properly, gonna try again here with just ino. dad is XX and mom is XY. (I know birds are ZW, but I see it done this way in aviculture so I didn’t bother changing it) —-X—-Y Xi. XiX. XiY Xi. XiX. XiY male inos need to have two copies, one on each...
  4. Morgan

    Eight Eggs!

    Uh oh, I need to look at my punnet square again. I thought ino being sex linked means that all the girls would be visual ino, and could not be normally colored…? This is what I wrote up myself before buying Happy, because I wanted to be certain he was male. Though the breeder was fairly...
  5. Morgan

    Love Letters and Happy Trails

    That makes complete sense! Wow, thanks for replying before coffee!! 😱
  6. Morgan

    Eight Eggs!

    Oh I wasn’t worried about the eggs being clear. Lottie was clearly very intent on having a clutch and Happy is still pretty young (9mo.). He is definitely male per my previous post - his dad was lutino. Edit: They’re bonded and Happy was/is feeding her. I didn’t add a nest box until after...
  7. Morgan

    Love Letters and Happy Trails

    I thought it was odd the breeders paired two double dark factor, mainly because they wouldn’t get much variety in color! I don’t think they knew too much about genetics per se, but they did know not to breed ino to ino or blue to blue, and they otherwise took excellent care of their birds. Each...
  8. Morgan

    Eight Eggs!

    It’s looking like all eggs are clear, so no hatches this time around - but I love your enthusiasm! I also settled on simply checking while Lottie is out of the box, because I keep her cage door open as often as possible so she can come out to poop. She’s usually out once in the morning and once...
  9. Morgan

    Eight Eggs!

    No, he isn’t DNA’d, but his dad was lutino so ALL the daughters were ino in Happy’s clutch. ;)
  10. Morgan

    Eight Eggs!

    So I candled the eggs quickly while she was out because the first one didn’t hatch. Rookie mistake not doing it earlier - they’re all clear anyhow! None look fertile, so maybe just a good practice run for Lottie! I’ll let her sit on them til she realizes it on her own. If she tries to lay...
  11. Morgan

    Eight Eggs!

    So, I let Lottie out of her cage every morning and evening because she hates pooing in there. She’ll run all around frantically for a time before finally going in the corner farthest from her nest. When I let her out she goes up to the same high spot on a washable covering that I remove and...
  12. Morgan

    Eight Eggs!

    An excellent breeder who I follow on Instagram told me that she doesn’t check her linnie’s boxes at all until after all the babies have fledged. She said checking on them is the number one reason the parents might harm their chicks in the first place, and that she avoids more accidents by simply...
  13. Morgan

    Eight Eggs!

    That is very reassuring, but now I have two sets of completely opposite advice! Happy is nine months now, so he is definitely young. Lottie was certainly pestering him. She is a year and four months. I was hoping to wait until she was two, but I tried removing all shreddables, reducing daylight...
  14. Morgan

    Love Letters and Happy Trails

    I thought I should share a little more about Love Letters and Happy Trails for their introduction, so here goes! Lottie was born on April 17 2020 and has a very bold personality - she has always held her own with my eight rambunctious budgies! She is also rather large in size (I think?) for a...
  15. Morgan

    Welcoming Home Leafshine the Linnie

    I love her name! Your four year old has a great imagination 😃
  16. Morgan

    Hi! I’m Luka

    Lady Luca is beautiful! I’m also new here, but welcome! ❤
  17. Morgan

    Love Letters and Happy Trails

    Had to zoom in on these because the files were too big 😁
  18. Morgan

    Love Letters and Happy Trails

    These are my babies, Lottie and Happy 🥰
  19. Morgan

    Eight Eggs!

    Hello! I am so glad to have found this forum - I have learned a lot about linnie genetics from Eddie’s Aviary website and think very highly of your careful breeding practices. My linnie pair have their first clutch, and my hen, Lottie, has laid eight eggs! I am not sure how remarkable this...