
Love My Linnie

How cold is too cold to mist and bathe Linnie’s during the winter months? I keep my home at 67 degrees in winter and I’m a little worried about Toula getting sick from being wet in that temperature. She’s moulting a little around her head and the house is kind of dry due to running the furnace and bathing helps soothe her dry skin, but is it safe for her to be wet when it’s a little chilly in the room?

Eddie's Aviary

Staff member
Do your Linnie’s seem to prefer lukewarm or cool water for their baths?
Warm water opens the shaft, similar to human hair. I use room temperature water in winter (so that is 50-55 degree Fahrenheit water) and I use cold in summer. If I am prepping for a show, I use cold water with a little dash of apple cider vinegar. It seems to give them a little shine. It makes the aviary stink of vinegar when I spray them all, so I use it only on the ones prepping for a show. If you don't use multiple bottles of water at a time for bathing like I do, I bet you wouldn't notice. ACV also has health benefits for the bird, so I always felt like the preening after the bath was on double duty.