Neeloo’s egg butt


Aww thank you… well Neenee didn’t lay and since it was 48 hours since the vet had seen her, there asked me to bring her in. On Wednesday …
They wanted to Keep her overnight to monitor her, do all the things, injections, to see if they could get her to lay. Brooding cage with oxygen and temp control, her travel cage and new “nest” in there…
In the morning she hadn’t laid..

They said she was not even pushing really… just hanging out and being cute, doing chicken wings and flirting with everyone

They were weighing the options of a) using this medication topically to induce contraction or b) draining the egg.
the medication has been used there with birds and is safe unless there is a weird complication like tissue adhesion of the egg in which case it could cause damage… so unlikely but risk is there
The procedure is safe and this vet has done it countless times successfully. She only lost two birds ever… that were flukes, one ectopic and one double fused egg.
So she would be in great hands
Still, always a risk however small with anesthesia.
So the vets kind of felt like, why even do that if she is healthy, eating, pooping, playing, being normal, seems content?
it’s a procedure more commonly done with egg bound birds and nee isn’t egg bound in the traditional sense.., she’s just pretending she Doesn’t have an egg!!😮💨

we have all been thinking at this point that it’s psychological… her body is healthy and ready to lay, she’s just not pushing…or too interested in nesting. other than a half a— big poopy kind of push here and there.
The vet did tell me they once had an eclectus who was there for four days with an egg, did all treatments… nothing worked… finally it went home, laid egg a few hours later

Sometime on another forum who has had many companion birds, said some of the hens would lay anywhere… but it was really common for hens to be super picky about nesting and not lay.

I’m wondering if she kind of got kicked out of hormone mode, but the egg was already there… and maybe me taking the nests away… I have no idea but… she had been cooking this egg in those nests over time, and when they were gone, she started being really broody as in searching for a nest constantly. Her favorite one being my duvet corner 😮💨
Plus, I stopped giving her soft foods and fruits…
And being overly affectionate…

I spoke to the vet about this and she thinks it’s not a bad idea to bring in some of her old “nest” , favorite hormone inducing treats, and spend some time with her just to see if we can get her nesty again.

my concern is that she’s in a new place and doesn’t want to lay there- she’s waiting to come home. So we thought to try bringing home to her.
they are so sensitive about environment changes, and she was pushing more actually when she was with me

Another idea we had was to take her home for a night and see how she does
The idea being that her original environment would help, send I’m sure it would. I just don’t know for long it would take for her to settle in.

the other issue being that we are 55 mins away from this clinic. Which is fine given how healthy she seems… but again a risk however small,.. the vet is not concerned about her right now
But if there was a sudden… development that was not positive, well we have to drive an hour to get in, for a sick bird that’s a long time.

my husband wants to try bringing her home because he really thinks she needs to be at home to lay, she is really attached and bonded to us and her surroundings here.

the other idea is I take her to an Airbnb close by and stay there for a few days, so we are minutes away from the clinic in case something happens.
and try to set up a bedroom for her like at home, with her sleeping cage, all her usual stuff (obviously can’t transport the huge cage it won’t even fit through the door)
It might be safer than going home… but also could be less effective bc it’s still a new place to get used to. However if I bring my usual bed linens and snuggle in the bed with her, maybe she will feel safe and nesty enough. … 🤔
it might not hurt but there are pros an cons… of disturbing her setting again. She’s still getting used to the vet. But she may not feel safe enough to lay.
When I’m with her, if I ask her to “push push push” she actually will push. I know that sounds crazy but… 😂
I actually asked the vet to ask her to push lol

she understands English even if she doesn’t speak it.

so we are playing it by ear
Looks like she will be there at least until Saturday morning most likely
Unless we ask them to do the procedure.

please send prayers!
I know she will be fine
But gosh it’s stressful
And I miss my babe, I feel like part of my heart is missing 💔 we’ve never been apart before this
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Neeloo laid her egg on Thursday June 20th ! A healthy egg, and passed it very easily, only pushed for about 10-15 seconds or so, and it popped right out!

we think all the changes and hubbub set her back… which is why it took so long. 18 days!!!!!!

we took her home on Saturday afternoon since they wanted to give her a break from everything anyway.

did all the fun naughty hormonal things like staying up late and partying with mommy, eating all the treats and soft mushy high value foods, snuggling in the bed, made lots of nests…

She had an great time and seemed to be getting more hormonal, but not super nesting- finally she accepted the 10th nest I got her, arrived Thursday from Amazon… a fleece lined snuggly thing that looks like a tiny dog bed, but has a top too so it looks like a little hamburger … would normally never but just for these purposes. She loved it, cooked in it, on my belly, under the covers.. all afternoon and evening, it was 95 degree humid day, she loved the heat 🤷‍♀️

then at 9:45, the egg popped out. She was so startled that she jumped out the nest and was trying to waddle up to my pillow … she laid the egg on my pillow right there.

Well, thanks everyone, I hope this thread helps someone someday.


Neeloo’s chosen nest 😮💨
She is a little queen I guess. I have to say, it’s a pretty luxurious nest and has a little washable fleece pad, the fleece is silky soft, she just took to it immediately.
I had to crop the photo so it could upload
This is Thursday evening, before she Iaid .

