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  1. LinnieGirl

    Eight Eggs!

    Hi Morgan, and welcome! Congratulations on your first clutch! 8 eggs is a large clutch and I’ve never heard of a Linnie being able to raise that many at once. Have you candled the eggs to see just how many were fertile? How old is the male? Maturity plays a big role in raising chicks so if...
  2. LinnieGirl

    Hi! I’m Luka

    Hi there! I remember replying on your post! Looks very different here and much better lighting! Definitely doesn’t look gw here! Very pretty! Apples are another Linnie favorite you might try for training. Sounds like you’ve made good progress since you got her!
  3. LinnieGirl

    Linnies´courtship behavior

    Charlie, all female greywings look very light like your hen. df greywing males also look that light. But sf greywing males are darker than your hen but lighter than a non greywing bird. They also have grey coloring where normally black would be on the shoulder spots, the body spots, and the bars...
  4. LinnieGirl

    Welcoming Home Leafshine the Linnie

    Sounds like you’re making good progress! Linnies are often slow to accept new things, especially if they’ve never seen them before. For now, I’d suggest leaving a bit of the treat visible in all the foraging toys till she understands there are things hidden in those. Eventually you can hide...
  5. LinnieGirl

    Welcoming Home Leafshine the Linnie

    How is Leafshine settling in?
  6. LinnieGirl

    Linnies´courtship behavior

    Hi Charlie! Good questions! The reply you got from Eddies Aviary was spot on. Linnies are very comfortable being in same sex pairs and will copulate as if they were a mated pair. Unless you know the parents of the gw you have nothing to help identify its sex. The greywing is either a sf gw...
  7. LinnieGirl

    That’s awesome! You will love linnies! What color? Can’t wait to see him/her!

    That’s awesome! You will love linnies! What color? Can’t wait to see him/her!
  8. LinnieGirl


    Looks like cafe press or zazzle
  9. LinnieGirl


    She’s beautiful! 😊