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  1. LinnieGirl

    Hormonal little lady

    If she’s already hormonal and ready to lay eggs, you can’t stop her until she’s laid a few. If she does, leave them in the cage ( unless they break) and let her finish laying the clutch. If you remove them, she will just keep laying more. If she ignores them, you can remove them a few days after...
  2. LinnieGirl

    help with excessive vocalization and aggression

    Keep it up. Time and patience will pay off! Good progress!
  3. LinnieGirl

    help with excessive vocalization and aggression

    When they bond to someone or another bird it takes a while for them to recover after separation. They need to be distracted by something else and it takes time and patience. If he won’t bond with another person you might want to get him a same sex buddy. In the mean time, you can try to...
  4. LinnieGirl

    Lefty or righty?

    Yes, linnies will hold pieces of food in their feet if it’s big enough to grasp. It’s adorable. Don’t know that I’ve ever noticed any to have a left/right preference though. 😊
  5. LinnieGirl


    He’s growing. yes those are little pin feathers showing. Looks normal to me. giving him a spray bath daily will help him feel a little better as the feathers grow out. Giving him scritches and helping to remove the dry shafts will be helpful as well.
  6. LinnieGirl

    Neelu is hormonal :)

    Agree with everything Eddie’s aviary said above. Hormones can be brutal and seeing our normally sweet cuddly Linnie’s go so suddenly aggressive is so difficult. Good news is that it only happens maybe twice a year and only lasts for a few weeks at a time. They do eventually return to their...
  7. LinnieGirl

    Hand feeding vs parent feeding vs coparenting

    Normal behavior. Don't bother them until you see them both out. May be a few days before you get the chance. Best times are early morning when the lights go on and evening when the lights are going out. Mom will go out to poop and/or grab a drink. Very difficult and labor intensive to raise a...
  8. LinnieGirl

    Hand feeding vs parent feeding vs coparenting

    I wouldn’t suggest taking them all at once. If all 5 hatch, there will be 8 or 9 day difference between the first one and the last. That’s a huge difference. When the first one is old enough to be pulled the youngest isn’t. You shouldn’t leave one by itself either in the nest or in the brooder...
  9. LinnieGirl

    Very Toxic foods

    There are many common houseplants that are toxic and household cleaners, candles, fresheners, hot Teflon etc. To watch out for in addition to toxic foods.
  10. LinnieGirl

    Cuttlefish bone / mineral blocks

    Good to Leave a cuttlebone and/or mineral block in the cage. They seem to only use it when needed. Mine seem to prefer the mineral block over the cuttlebone. Some don’t seem to use at all.
  11. LinnieGirl

    Eight Eggs!

    Congratulations! Can’t wait to see the photos!
  12. LinnieGirl

    Hand feeding vs parent feeding vs coparenting

    I would never feed a Linnie on its back. The parents do it occasionally but rarely have I seen it And I’ve watched thousands of hours of nestcam footage of my Linnies. Definitely more of a risk ( unless we’re talking about a chick less than a week old. They can’t stand up yet and you need to...
  13. LinnieGirl

    2-1/2 weeks old and already a monster!

    Yes, it looks to be a d green male with nice markings so far thanks! He’s got a very gentle disposition. Going to be a real sweetheart. I should but nope he’s spoken for.
  14. LinnieGirl

    2-1/2 weeks old and already a monster!

    Barely fits in my hand! 🤣
  15. LinnieGirl

    4 babies! A good problem to have, but I need guidance please.

    Yes, scrambled or hard boiled chopped egg are excellent for this age. Remove any uneaten egg after 3-4 hours and replace with fresh to prevent spoilage.
  16. LinnieGirl

    Hand feeding vs parent feeding vs coparenting

    the general rule is to feed 10-12% of the babys weight every few hours. For two week old babies I feed every 3 hours ( from 8am-11 pm daily.) to start and then reduce to feeding every 4 hours each day if they are eating well and steadily gaining weight. When baby is full, you will see the crop...
  17. LinnieGirl

    Hand feeding vs parent feeding vs coparenting

    I have always liked Kaytee exact and my babies all do well on it. But you can use any of the parrot handfeeding formulas.(regular though, not high fat or extra iron or whatever). Babies are fed outside of the brooder. I make feeding pillows that I heat up in the microwave to keep my babies warm...
  18. LinnieGirl

    Hand feeding vs parent feeding vs coparenting

    Coparenting can produce very tame babies without the work of handfeeding. The trick is to handle enough to get the babies used to being handled and looking forward to interactions. But you run the risk of the parents abandoning them if they’re skittish. generally the best time to pull for hand...
  19. LinnieGirl

    Checking on babies

    I have one of those and I love it! Extremely accurate and reliable! Humidity is important yes, but you can provide that without their special rig for that.
  20. LinnieGirl

    help with excessive vocalization and aggression

    Your Linnie sound like he’s still pretty insecure about his new home. His behavior sounds like fear responses. It’s just going to take time and patience. some Linnies never get over the fear of hands but most do in their own time when they finally learn to trust you. same with the contact...